Thursday 12 February 2009

Back on course!

Well it was great to get on my bike today. After all the snow and ice lately I have been restricted to my indoor trainer for nearly two weeks I went out on a slow 18 miler through Water Orton, Wishaw, Pype Hayes, Erdington and back home.
This has got me back on course for two objectives this year. I was able to take my camera and take some shots towards assignment 4 of my photography course. I should now be able to submit my results tomorrow.
My other objective this year is a cycle challenge called "The Grande Traverse des Alps".
Together with Debs son Aron, who is my Sunday cycling partner, we will be flying to Geneva at the end of August then setting off on the Grand Traverse through all the high passes of the Alps including the mighty Col De Galibier, the Col De La Bonette which is the highest paved road in Europe at 2802m above sea level. These are just two amongst some of the awesome and infamous climbs of the Tour De France. We will even make a detour to take in Alp D'Huez the daddy of them all that I had the pleasure of cycling up in 2006 at the end of my tour of Europe.
We will finish in the south of France at Nice before flying back.
So you can see I have to put the miles in to keep up with my 22 year old cycling companion.
So thats two things I am back on course for now. A new job and a new challenge. Can't wait for both adventures to begin!

1 comment:

  1. I got hairs standing on the back of my neck at the thought of it, I can't wait
