Yesterday Aron and myself had an early start to get to Shenstone for a 9.00am start on the 103km Audax. This is a long distance cycle event, several of which I have done before. It was a pleasant enough ride through the Staffordshire countryside and villages. With the end in sight and less than an hours riding to do we were looking for what it said on my list was a left turn for Whittington.
Well I don't know if the sign existed but I intent to ride out and have another look because if it doesn't I will be writing to the organiser to vent my displeasure.
We ended up doing about 10 miles further than we should have and I was not a happy bunny. I never bothered to get my card stamped because if I had gone into the control room I would have said something I regretted.
Well I don't do these things for the badges or certificates. Its just a change to ride in different parts of the country with other riders so the 73 miles we did made up my mileage for the week to 161. Another good week of training for France and the Alps in August. Together with today's 23 miles this takes my miles for the first 20 days of the month to 454, an average daily mileage of 22.7. Well on for 600 miles in a calender month for only the third time in my cycling life so I'm pleased with that at least.
Not at all pleased with the lax organisation of the event though. One A4 piece of paper with not enough information meant that with one missed turn we ended up getting lost. If the organiser had bothered to put on the distance between instructions we would have known that we were going well past the proposed turn.
These people take your money but don't give you much back in return. Perhaps there's room for a professional organisation to take over and look after the riders interest's. Hmmmm now theres an idea!
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