Sunday 22 February 2009

Busy week!

Picture Quiz. Do You Know where this local landmark is?

Answers on the comments page please. First to answer gets a million quid!
That should get some traffic to my site.

Believe it or not even though I have now banished that horrible job from my life I still don't have enough hours in the day to do what I want to do.

Yesterday I was out on the bike at 8am looking for certain situations for photographs for my latest assignment. I then returned home and was on the computer from 9.30am until 10pm working on a few of my projects.

This has capped a week of study and practice that will hopefully serve me well when I start my course with Barrett & Coe in May.

I have been busy on the bike this week as well. After Sundays reliability ride at Birstall I have managed 122 miles this week.

I have taken care of my new brilliant grandson Hayden twice (I call him Rip Van Winkle as he is always asleep). I have worked on the new website at building the pages behind the holding page that I now have up. And I am also looking at another get rich quick idea that promises to makeme £300000 a year. Why do I keep falling for them? At least there is a money back guarantee.

Just watched West Brom on the TV and feel sorry for my son Mark who has gone to London to watch the rubbish they served up today. They were a gutless bunch of girls who were lucky to escape with only a 2-0 defeat.

Just recovering now from our 32 mile ride out to Fillongley, Allesley, Hawks End and the edge of Coventry with Aron.

Not much to report and no pictures for now except the picture quiz above but keep watching.

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